Основи графічного дизайну
    Основи графічного дизайну       Основи графічного дизайну Отже, ти хочеш бути графічним дизайнером? Ласкаво просимо на цей курс «Основи графічного дизайну», який навчить вас усього, що вам потрібно знати, щоб почати.  По-перше, що таке графічний дизайн? «Графічний дизайн — це створення візуального контенту з комунікаційною метою. Це те, що робить дизайн дизайном, а не...
    От Administrator 2024-03-24 10:19:41 0 49
    Cryptocurrency. Do We Need it?!
    People's interest in cryptocurrencies is still high despite the large-scale ups and downs of "crypto".  This is a hot topic not only among investors, but also in mass culture, because both Elon Musk and an ordinary student invest in "crypto".     Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that is decentralized and encoded with a certain cipher.  The most attractive characteristic is its anonymity.  When buying cryptocurrency, you can be sure that no one will know how...
    От Viktoriia 2024-03-18 21:18:11 0 108
    Delta Airlines Flight Cancel and Change Policy
    Delta Airlines Flight Change Policy Traveling is not only a journey but also a moment you live with.  But at the same time if any circumstances create and you have to call of your plans. In that case you must know the process of cancellation policy with Support Airlines. Basic Economy Tickets in Delta Airlines: - In basic economy tickets, you have 24 hours to cancel your flight ticket from the time to ticket purchased. Afterward, you won’t be able to cancel you ticket. Non...
    От supportairlines1 2023-03-11 21:28:05 0 231
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Cryptocurrency. Do We Need it?!
People's interest in cryptocurrencies is still high despite the large-scale ups and downs of...
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